To the ones who love us the most.

Your parents are your one true supporters, since your birth they have been your constant cheerleaders. They were excited when you took those first steps. That is the most basic thing you could have done and they were proud of even that. Often in this rat race of success and sometimes to keep them safe from what we think is dangerous, they become villans in our eyes or sometimes downright toxic and we tend to blame them
You don’t have to achieve some goals to make them love you that you don’t have to please them ever all you need to do is learn basic stuff such as you learned walking but my dear that was a mechanical process, life is complicated one. All they want from you is that you make better decisions and be financially stable.
So that when life gives you lemons you can look literally make lemonade.
You parents are really proud of you, even the slightest of things you do.
I use to think that this was true only when we were small and chubby, but the stands true even today. If you doubt it one bit. Then start doing some basic stuff you had been putting off, for a long time. Like very basics such as arranging your clothes or something they will come around and appreciate even that. Now tell me, when can you find something like this so genuine so pure. I know sometimes we don’t look eye to eye with them and end up having arguments, that’s totally fine, everyone has them.
But instead of ignoring them and not making them understand at least we should try to let them to know what we’re thinking ,what are the facts we are basing our decisions on or what else are we planning in the back of our mind we all know how to do this, but usually be hold back .
why? That is obvious as well, we are tired of second guessing ourselves that we have no energy to make them understand. On those time remember these are the people who took care of you , even when you couldn’t speak . They made you, what you are and maybe you don’t have the energy right now, but you should try to make them see your point.
I may sound like a hypocrite because I have been a constant supporter of “My life, My rules” with time I’ve come to realize that life is a constant collection of happy memories and bitter experiences.
Yes, we should try and grow out of our comfort zones to achieve what we want in our lives but eventually we need to keep sharing our joys and our sorrows with them .
With father’s day just around the corner I just want you all to try and share your joys and sorrows with them just imagine how happy they would be to know that finally you are taking care of your house plants, because younger version of you was just interested in uprooting them and taking the dirt in your mouth.
Remember the glint in your father’s eyes when you brought home 100 on 100 exam paper or when you parked perfectly, that is still there. You just have lost the concept of sharing .
As of sorrows, we always try to keep them away from our struggles and our lows because we think they won’t understand or wouldn’t be able to help you but let me tell you that they might not know the technicalities of your problem but there experience can guide you through this .
Moreover just talking with them will help you appreciate how much you have in your life.
Just trust your instincts and share with your parents, your brothers, your family . It seriously helps a lot. Make it a habit even if you have nothing to share just tell them about some article you read or some health advice .Just never ever take it to a point that you are just having a conversation for the sake of having a conversation .
Have meaningful conversations with everyone you talk to not just half hearted hellos. I am not asking you to fake it or anything like that, I am just suggesting that you open your hearts and let people close to you see what you are struggling with and if not with everyone let your parents know.

To angry ones out there.

Anger is something when you give punishment to yourself for mistakes of others .

Yes sometimes people screw you over and you feel like shouting at them and in the end you end up crying. So whenever you feel like shouting at someone just relax and think whether this thing will matter after 5 years or not .

And if it is insignificant just don’t waste your time in energy. 

Sometime it’s not anger, you are hurt sometimes .It is like you feel betrayed and cheated. It’s then when you should tell yourself that the world is full of morons and you don’t always get what you give .

Just be calm and think even if you didn’t get what you expected at least you gave it to them , and your good is bound to get back to you. The more you give the more you get. It comes back to you in some form or the other.

 No words can grant you peace ,but you yourself can and this is real Redemption ,forgive the ones who haven’t asked for it .Just don’t repeat the sequence in your brain again and again because in the end you curse yourself for not doing such things not not saying this or that .Discover yourself a Calming exercise like writing ,reading, eating chocolates ,just busting out in front of some close friend etc.

Remember no matter how much restless you are right now, it will end and things you do will remain forever.

Don’t be sad.

You are sad ,think of all the times when you have been happy . Remember ,when you feel like giving up the reason should be bigger than the one you started with. We try to become better individuals, better humans everyday. Just think there are many people who survive much worse . They aren’t victims they are survivors ,they survive not because they are used to pain but because the hope for a better future .

There are endless things which render hopelessness to you, but you must think about that one thing which gives you hope . Every tree blooms and bears flowers there is no guarantee that the Pollen will come and make it a fruit ,nor is it sure about its fate but still every tree blooms , without any expectation . If someday the nature loses its hope surely all of us will die .Similarly you must concentrate on your one single good thought and give it your best shot because a tree needs to Bloom first to bear  the fruits and if you lose hope and don’t even become the flower the Pollen is useless to you. If you feel nothing is appropriate maybe you haven’t bloomed yet or, the Pollen is not around just go with the flow and take your chances because the best thing you have is the hope and you must go on .